Thursday, 24 May 2007

Learning about scriptwriting

So I'm pretty much a n00b when it comes to scriptwriting of any form. I know that once upon a time we had to write them for school. But really, what we generally wrote were like radio scripts where someone was interviewing someone else. So I haven't really any practice, and nothing that I remember.

So trawling the Screnzy site is a good place to start, of course. Which I did. Then of course, I was thinking more about plot than anything else (because for me, that's the killer: finding something that I actually like enough to write about and finish). So I typed "fatal flaw" into Google's blog search, since I realised that my main character is sort of lacking one.

And I've just noticed how often I use the word 'so' in a single blog... perhaps even more than just this blog (though I doubt it).

The point is that I found this awesome website:

Which of course led me to a tonne of other wonderful resources.

The bad thing of course is that I'm meant to be doing assignments (I'm sort of procrastinating coding this lovely thing called testing on my programming assignment. That's sure to cause trouble later on, but for the moment it'll compile). There isn't enough time in the world to get serious about writing a screenplay that likely no one's going to read when I know that I'll be just as pleased with a dodgy one as not, so long as it's done. For me that's the best part of NaNoWriMo and ScriptFrenzy. The fact that you have to finish it within that time period. I am one of those awful people who is basically a glutton. I cannot do anything without anyone telling me to do it (although sometimes I do listen to myself). I will sleep as long as possible and eat as much as I like and am just thankful that I'm not fatter than I am.

Anyway, I can't wait for Screnzy to start no matter how frantic it's going to be. I just want to write this screenplay even if it'll make a rubbish movie.

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